
Cindy Margolis Plastic Surgery Before and After

The Metamorphasis of Cindy Margolis
Cindy Margolis first became a celebrity when her bikini photos were featured on the then new America Online in the mid 90s. Since then, she has wandered through an aborted talk show, a myriad of appearances on tv where she played herself, and really, not much else. Her claim to fame is her physical appearance and she is desperately hanging on to it, with mixed results.
Cindy’s checklist
Smooth skin – check
Unfurrowed brow – check
Does it look effortless? – No. Her brows never used to arch up so dramatically when she smiled. We are looking at a serious case of bat brow.
Does her face reflect the apple cheeked blossom of youth? Yes, with what looks like cheek implants. Her cheeks were never so prominent before.
The most interesting part of her changes over the years is from cute Jewish girl to shiksa goddess. Her nose looks totally different and her chin appears just a bit more square. Share


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